Medical requirements
Ongoing medical conditions
For children with a serious medical condition or in need of emergency medication please click here.
Should your child have an ongoing medical condition which the school needs to know about, we ask you to fill in the below form 'Individual Healthcare Plan' and return to our school office either in person or via email to info@hinchleywoodprimary.co.uk.
On receipt of this form, you will be asked to go through the form and your child's requirements with their class teacher and/or a member of our office team to complete the management plan.
In-school medication needs
If your child is prescribed medication for a short or long term condition which you need us to administer in school, please complete a 'Pupil Medication Request form'. This should be brought to the school office with the medication.
All medication should be in its original packaging labelled with your child's name.
We cannot administer ibuprofen (eg. Nurofen) unless prescribed by a doctor.
Please see 'Forms' for the necessary paperwork required.